Category Archives: Uncategorized

A cautionary tale on Transactions Costs

Transaction costs are those additional costs you incur when you buy or sell things.. For example when you sell your house = agent commission, taxes, lawyer costs, moving costs, new furniture / house hold items costs, or when you buy … Continue reading

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Estate Planning & Savings

I attended an Estate planning, Insurance and Mortgage seminar yesterday where I got more information on how improper or non-existent planning in any of those areas can be very costly to individuals and their loved ones. I plan to write … Continue reading

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Is your “Line of Credit” Out of Line ?

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION offer you a generous line of credit or increase your credit card limit. You think to yourself “ah, I have made it, and finally someone recognizes my achievement”. But before you get carried away, you should stop for … Continue reading

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Periodically Review your Insurance Coverage

Periodically Review your Insurance Coverage I got our Auto and Home Insurance renewal notice the other day, and I decided to call around to see what rates I would get from other insurance companies. I was surprised to find out … Continue reading

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