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L Gordon: (Auburn Drive High School)
EjiTech presented at Auburn Drive High School today and offered both students and staff a wealth of ideas to help save money. By the end of the session I had already saved 30 dollars a month with a few clicks on my phone! A great lesson for young people to hear.
Ian Shepherd: (ISANS, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
I’d like to thank Emo for coming and giving a great presentation to newcomers to Canada at ISANS. Emo is very energetic and shares some excellent tips for saving money and lowering expenses. He is engaging and very patient and takes the time to answer all questions asked of him. I look forward to inviting him back next year!
Daphne (Daisy) During: (Sierra Leon Community, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
On behalf of our youth and the entire Sierra Leonean community, I want to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you for taking time off your busy schedule to share your wealth of knowledge and experience on financial management with us.
I must say it was very educative and worth every minute spent. You know your material and delivered it well.
Thank you Emo for sharing your personal stories, I know all of us benefited from all you shared and believe it will affect our lives positively in making future financial decisions. Personally it opened my eyes to those areas where I now know I am wasting money.
The youth were quite engaged and that measured their degree of interest. Wow you made it so easy and interesting.
I do hope this is the beginning of many more workshops to come. Thank you.
L Huska: (Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Mr. Ikede recently held a session at Mount Saint Vincent University and gave some great tips to students on how to reduce every day expenses. His approach is based upon logical and adoptable principles that everyone can do. Thank you for sharing your passion with our students Emo!
Akira McQuay: (BBI and YWCA’s partnered workshop, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
It really was a privilege having Emo present for the Black Business Initiative(BBI) and YWCA’s partnered workshop. He effortlessly adapted his presentation to cater to the needs of the audience.
Everyone was engaged and learned more than a thing or two in regards to managing finances, covering topics such as; how to scale back on bills & spending, understanding interest and borrowing money, the importance of writing down a budget and more. The only thing we all regret is not having additional time to learn more about money management from Emo.
I encourage anyone who is interested in gaining more financial empowerment and strategies on keeping more of your money in your pocket to take advantage of Emo’s training and additional services. It is an investment you will not regret!
Pamela Barter: (Nova Scotia Community College, Halifax, Nova Scotia)
We would like to extend our thanks to Emo Ikede for presenting two years in a row at our Institute of Technology Campus Student Conference/Student Orientation. We were excited to have him offer his expertise to our NSCC students on making ‘Smart Money Choices’!
Cathy Lerette: (Halifax Regional Municipality)
“A number of lunch & learn sessions were offered to employees of the Halifax Regional Municipality. Emo’s presentation was interesting, interactive and humorous. He uses a very common sense approach to managing money and was able to effectively impart his wisdom to each audience. Some good discussion was generated with some employees sharing their own money-saving tips.
Thanks to Emo for spending the time with us!”
Munya Mwayi:
“The conference Emo put together was well thought out with relevant speakers and I found it was informative and has changed my outlook and strategies I apply in my own life regarding my finances.”
Victor Ughoro:
“Money World Conference 2014 made me and family to take another look our expenditures. We realised we could saved a lot of money over the years if we had known these strategies. Looking forward to the next Money World Conference.”
Erica Blackburn:
“Thanks to your financial education (from Money World on March 22, 2014) I just lowered my monthly phone bill by more than half of what I was paying. This is important to me so that I can pay myself first and build my wealth. My new cell phone plan better suits my usage needs now too.
Thank you for empowering me financially! I look forward to seeking out more ways I can invest in myself and my dreams!!”
Lucille Graham: (Dartmouth North Public Library, Nova Scotia)
“Thank you for coming and sharing your knowledge with our patrons.
I am sure everyone left feeling they had more money in their pockets already !”
Terri L.Cogswell:
“I attended this workshop at the Halifax Public Library…Spring Garden Road Branch…and I found the session extremely informative and easy as pie for anyone to comprehend in regards to saving here and there. He had wonderful and simple tips that really do make a difference in your pocket book while over time made a big difference. As a single parent I wish I would have done more of this but it’s never too late and I will use all of this for my everyday life 🙂 I thank you!!
Terri L.Cogswell”
“Hi Emo. Just want to let you know that I did enjoy your presentation the other day. This website is also very useful. Lots of information and tools. Thank you”
Alexander Oleforo says:
“I had the pleasure of attending the most recent event, and I must say I left with a wealth of information and a whole new perspective on how to manage my expenses and my personal time. I greatly appreciated the approach of looking at wellness not simply from a financial point of view, but from a personal one as well. I have already started to put into practice most of my takeaways and I am seeing a change.”
Kevin Epp: (Dartmouth High School, Nova Scotia)
“Thanks again Emo for you presentations at Dartmouth High School. It was great for the kids to hear your common sense message on saving money. I’m sure they hear some of those things all the time from parents and teachers but you bring a unique approach. Great video, and your interactions with the students is funny, informative and non-threatening. Nicely done!”
Claire Hamilton and Douglas Eldershaw (Learning and Career Centre, Halifax)
“We hosted three Lunch and Learn Sessions with guest speaker Emo Ikede.
Topic of each session was Learn to Save Your Money “5 Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Monthly Expenses”
Emo’s knowledgeable experience with the topic and his welcoming and friendly personality opened the sessions to much discussion and education on financial topic
Emo’s presentation skills and acquired information from participants on subject topic has developed and expanded with each session to a cover a larger and more diverse range of information which is pertinent to the participant’s interests and goals. Emo has provided a very interesting and interactive presentation that makes people think about how they are actually spending their money, able to take charge of how they can control their expenditures and a way to look at how small changes in their everyday lives can help them achieve their future goals of reducing debt.”
Cynthia Whiting: (Sackville High School, Nova Scotia)
“Hi Emo,
I just wanted to thank you again for coming in to meet with my
students. I have never seen them so engaged!!! Your presentation was
amazing. I am sure my students will take what that learned from you
and apply it in their lives!
I am changing schools next year, but would love to talk to you again
in the fall about having you come speak to a new group of students!
Thanks again for everything, Cynthia”
John Judson: (Lockview High School, Fall River, Nova Scotia)
“My grade 10 and 11 students enjoyed the presentation by Emo. Some relevant money issues were raised regarding the preparations required by students after they graduate high school and begin to make their way in the world.”
Arlene Drysdale:
“I just want to let everyone know that by taking some of Emo’s money-saving tips and putting them into action, I’m now saving a minimum of $1700 per year and I did this with one phone call and a quick review of a few grocery lists.
I wanted to reduce my Phone/Cable bill (which includes the watch, surf, talk bundle) but wasn’t sure how to actually approach the subject with the representative from the company. Therefore, I just told them I was considering changing to another company to save some money, but would prefer to stay with them if possible. Apparently this is a good opener. I was put through to someone in another department who was very nice and extremely helpful. Because I had been a customer for so long, always paid my bills by the due date, and had not received any promotions in a very long time, I was good to go. $40 off for 1 year!! I was stunned how easy it was to save almost $500 a year. I was on a roll.
Next, my husband and I took a look at how we buy groceries. Making some simple changes will now save us at least $100 per month. We previously bought groceries every two weeks, which resulted in a lot of wasted food (e.g. produce) which means wasted money. Not only were we throwing money away by not eating the food we bought, we were buying more food because we were buying it twice to replace what went off. As well, by not having a grocery list, we always ended up buying things we really didn’t need, and it’s uncanny how fast those items add up in the run of a month. Lastly, instead of throwing out the flyers, which I’ve been doing for years now, we started to actually pay attention to them. If you’re not already using the flyers for the deals, start. You’ll be glad you did.
So as you can see, it took me longer to type this comment than it did to save $1700 per year. And I’m just getting started!!!!”
Erica Blackburn:
“I recently attended Emo’s workshop “5 Things You Can Do Today to Reduce Your Monthly Expenses”. The information he provided was invaluable. He helped me to understand how to look at all expenses from the “customer’s” point of view–we are the customer and we need to ask for what we want (lower price, better deal, better quality for price, etc)–if we don’t ask, we will never receive!
Even though I have a business background it is astonishing how many “business people” do not know how to manager their personal finances. Financial security is important to me, and Emo’s advice has given me great insights into how I can maximize my income by being smart about how I spend (and save) money.
I would attend this workshop again…and bring everyone I know with me! Emo’s presentation style and use of mind-maps was effective at clearly communicating the information and assisting his audience in remembering it well. Furthermore, what was also quite effective was his distinction between wants and needs, deciding this before making a purchase is critical in saving money. We could all be a bit more mindful about what we buy and why.
Thank you, Emo! I am more abundant because of you!!!”
“Hi Emo,
Thank you very much for the valuable advice you shared with us during our last session. Wow, right after the session, I started making some changes in my lifestyle…Cable, phone, and utilities bills are going down WOO WOO… I am already seeing some results. Next on my list is my home and car insurance coverage. I am glad you put these sessions together. I’ll help spread the words for you. Keep up the good work!