Having trouble managing your money. Is debt keeping you up at night?
Do you want proven ways to manage your money & reduce your monthly expense?
We provide 4 types of workshops.
(1) How To Save Money.
(2) Smart Business Tools & Tips.
(3) Hobby To Business.
(4) Life after High-School” | “Smart Money Choices”.
Our presentation style is easy to follow and customized to your needs. Details below.
Target Audience:Active members of the workforce and retirees.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Topic Covered * Budgeting * Interest Rates * Mortgage or Rent * Banking * Insurance * Food * Utilities * Phone * Communication * And much more
We’ll show how to significantly reduce cost in each of the areas above.
Format: Humorous and relaxed discussion session where everyone is encouraged to share tips from their experience.
Learning to reduce our monthly expenses and save money is something we all strive to do but sometimes find difficult. The purpose of this workshop is to give people tools they can start using immediately so that they see their monthly expenses in a new light and are able to make changes to put more of their hard earned money back in their pocket.
Target Audience: Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
Duration: 2 hours
Topics Covered: * Management Tools (Customer Relations Management, Event, Social Media, Web, Finance) * Communication, Computer OS & Office Suite, Web-Analytics * Budgeting & Reducing Costs * Outsourcing Ideas and Advantages * Time Management and Best Use of Time * E-Commerce, Online Shopping Carts and Payment Platforms * Utilities * And much more
We’ll show how to significantly reduce costs and improve operational efficiency in your organisation.
Target Audience: Anyone that Want to Make Extra Money
Duration: 2 hour
Topics Covered: * Finding your Passion * Technology for Efficient distribution * Tools of the Game * Role of Analytics * Marketing * Building Communities * Management Tools (Customer Relations Management, Event, Social Media, Web, Finance) * Communication, Computer OS & Office Suite, Web-Analytics * Budgeting & Reducing Costs * Outsourcing Ideas and Advantages * Time Management and Best Use of Time * E-Commerce, Online Shopping Carts and Payment Platforms * Utilities * And much more
We’ll show you steps to turn your Hobby or Passion into a Successful Scale-able Passive Income Generating Business.
Title: “Life after High-School” | “Smart Money Choices”
Target Audience: Students (High-School, College, University)
Duration: 1 hour
Topics Discussed:Funding post secondary education, employment, budgeting, attitude adjustment, careers paths and options, change being constant and how the internet and social media has changed how we communicate and do business. The seminar is also easily customized to address related topics based on the teacher’s current curriculum.
Note:This is an information and educational session to help people save money by managing their monthly expenses. It does not include investment information or tips.
Room Requirements: 1. Computer connected to the Internet 2. Large multimedia screen or overhead Projector 3. Flip-Chart & Marker 4. Adequate seating for the audience.
Recent Seminars have been given to the following entities: 1. Federal Government employees. 2. Halifax regional municipality employees. 3. University students (Graduate and Undergraduate). 4. High School students. 5. Library patrons.